2005-02-16 5:10p.m. : take me to where the real world is
I'm so tired, i am sick of it, i wanna be more awake, but i guess that means that i should go to sleep earlier. no thats no an option, i would'nt be able to get to sleep. to many things on my mind, to many things that won't go away, things please go away. i need the sleep.

the music is not helping me any more, reminds me of to many things and people. need to find more music, one that won't stir up anything.

is the person who i think i am not really who i am? is it all just an illusion? do i have a false image of my self? is the world that i know not really the true world? is that too just an illusion? am i just looking though a mirror into what the real world is? some one tell me who i really am. tell me what you see in me, tell me who i am cause i have no clue.tell me what the world is, show me what the real world is. take me to where the real world is.