2005-02-09 3:44 p.m. : i really really need to get out more!!!!!!!!
ya i really really need to get out more, katie maybe we should go to a movie instead? hum, maybe then we'll meet some cute boys.

i am so tired, i wanna sleep forever, never wake up, it would be so nice, sleeping is good. i dont wanna wake up each day and face the world and all its possiblites. i don't wanna just pass life by any more, be some one who is so boring, who doesn't do anyhting.
katie u and i really really need to go out some where, maybe we can go to some concert, like greenday or something, i just wanna have some fun. laugh a little, have a smile on my face for a night. we really need to talk to some new faces. not do the same old same old.