Thursday, Jun. 04, 2009 11:38 pm : Catan Domination!!!!!!
So I guess I should confess my Europe trip to ya all. It was a blast!!! Right from the plane ride there to the plane ride home. All in all I really want to go back, but not for a while. I want to explore the world some more. Climbing Machu Picchu with the sis is next on the books.

I think though, as much as I like Europe there is no place like home. I would love to move over there for a year, but I that I would want to move back after a couple of months.

SO Europe... I think I'll write about it some other time. It was great, but so much stuff to recall. Besides I usually like to write in here to sort things out. Pleasantries usually arent the order of business, unless I am extremely happy.

I guess there is one thing I am happy about...playing Catan. Best board game ever!!! I like Catan Domination. It is quite fun.