Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008 8:48 pm : Why do I always get hit on.
So I finally got my supervisor for my research paper. I am rather happy for I got the one that I wanted!!!! YAY!!!!

Related to my research paper, I had the class for it last night. How I hate that class. It was a cook house. I was so bloody hot. I thought I was a roasted chicken. Any ways half way through the class we had a break and I descided to go to Dicksons with Jonny and Devin. An hour or so into getting there Devin started to hit on my hard core. He told me that he can beat up my boyfriend for me. I was like for what? I told him there was no reason. He was rather shameless. I think he wanted to have sex with me. Which totally grosses me out.

When I picked up Sarah an hour or so later that night. I phoned Antonius to get his take. I wasnt so pleased with some of the things he had to say. He told me to be careful and that he cares about me. He doesnt want to see me hurt. I think though that he wasnt so pleased that I was with two guys...alone. I mean nothing happened nor will anything happen. The thing that really got me was that he said that if anything did happen and a guy came on me it would be my fault for I didnt ward off the advances. I did and I do. Guys are just retarted. I too would think the same if the situation was switched.

Mmm my nap with him was awsome yesterday. I love his touch. Physical contact with him makes me feel pretty good. I love it when he says "Come here sweetheart" and opens his arms. I can hear his voice now.