Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2007 10:24 pm : The Golden Compass
So I found out in Utah that it is illegal to get drunk. Ha. I guess that would be the perfect place for recovering alcoholics.

O and I am rather annoyed with the Calgary Catholic School Board. Their logic in thinking baffles me. Do they not have the faith in students in identifying the difference between a fantasy story and having the belief in God. A story is a story and at the end of the day, no matter how anti-religious it is people have the ability to maintain their faith. I really think that now more than ever the church needs to adapt their ways and make them more mainstream to society. The fundamental bull crap has to stop. By invoking fear and the baning of certain things only makes the thing more desirable. I think that is why alot of people have been turned off by religions. It is because of all the bullshit that they invoke. It all has to do with power. They abuse it. I have little faith in the religious communities. I suppose that is why I choose not to be hard core into religion. I think that there are alot of things that are wrong with it. It is fatally flawed. The Pope has done so much damage that he really needs to die. The have fundamentalizam that needs to but shoved up their asses. What else. I guess this is just an observation, but when ever I grace church there are always old people. I really do not see to many young people. I think that the church has isolated them self to the extent that they cannot relate to young people. I donno. I just don't think they should ban that book. The Golden Compass.

I really want to be in the position where I am liked and I like back. I just want to have a really good make out session or to even go farther. I just want to know again what it is like to have affection bestow on me. Well I suppose I do have hidden alter-er motives....I do want to rip of the guy's clothes and have my way with him. Maybe push him on the bed and handcuff him....mmmmmmm.