02.01.2007 12:52 am : the sky is blue the grass is brown.
Hey babes,

So I came across this in your diary a while back and I laughed and realized that you are undergoing this plot still, we just havent had the effort to execute these plans of ours, mainly cause it is freezing cold outside and we wouldnt want your bum to freeze.


I am currently enduring a plot concocted by 3 unnamed individuals involving something that will strike my displeasure. Pertaining to this ploy, the details of which I have no idea. One shall have to probe further, invoking certain powers and triggering specific reactions not usually tested. Chinese water torture??? Or something more...fruitful...we shall have to see.


I see you havent invoked any powers to get us to squeel. You should try harder. The plot has changed only just alittle. YOU BE WARNED my dear. We be a coming. lol.

I love the way you write. It is unlike anything I have seen. I think it is also the best I have seen. It makes me smile after I read what you write. Well almost everything. Your essays are to boring for me to read.