02 September 2005 6:17 pm : My happiness in a person.
I am so happy, the happiest I have been in a long time. I have so many great things going for me right now. I have school and my greatest friends in the world, and that special someone. Its great, I am wearing a smile on my face all the time now. Its crazy to think that so much time has pasted between the good the bad and the ugly. I have discovered many things this year which all some how helped me grow in some sort of werid twisted way. Its crazy to me that I thought my life sucked and all the things I have been missing out on, but I have discovered that maybe am just a late commer to all the world has to offer me, that I just had to wait my turn.

So I have been talking to Katie lately about were this path has lead me down this road and she is so happy for me and I am really happy for my self. I have finally found my happiness in a person. And a person who cares and who has a heart of gold. Someone who has more in common I think than anyone I have met so far in my young life. To where I hope this evolves will last a whole ton of memories, good ones that is.